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Ceramic ware are based on beryllium oxide, including metallic, with a host material included in amount of no less than 99.5%. Ceramics based on beryllium oxide have unique physical and chemical properties that combine high chemical, thermal, radiation resistance, thermal conductivity, transparency to vacuum ultraviolet, visible, infrared, X-ray, ultrahigh frequency (UHF) radiation, which makes it a promising material for use in electronics, new areas of technology and special instrumentation.

Open catalog

«KAZ CERAMICS» LLP has its own catalog of products, and can manufacture any products according to your blueprint. The available equipment allows obtaining highly adhesive metal coating on ceramic substrates by using methods of screen-printing of metallization and condensation in vacuum, and generating in it a topographic pattern of any complexity by photolithography. If customers demand, we provide all the necessary supporting documents, certificate of quality, technical specifications of enterprise, test report, and other information.

Field of use of ceramics from beryllium oxide

Substrates for powerful microwave radiation transistors and VLSI integration

Substrates for powerful microwave radiation transistors and VLSI integration

Output window of the microwave energy

Output window of the microwave energy

Optical fibers for powerful gas-filled lasers

Optical fibers for powerful gas-filled lasers

Structural details for TWT

Structural details for TWT

Microwave radiation energy absorber

Microwave radiation energy absorber

Optical windows for devices with mid-IR range and the x-ray radiation

Optical windows for devices with mid-IR range and the x-ray radiation

BeO ceramics are nowadays widely used in electronic industry for dissipation heat generated by the radioactive elements of functional electronics. High thermal conductivity, a small value of dielectric loss, high dielectric strength, high stability of the electrical properties allow the use of BeO ceramic in a high-frequency electronic circuits. A high thermal conductivity (about 330 W/m*K) and electrical resistance, allows the use of ceramics in powerful high reliable resistors, transistors and microchips as the perfect substrate for creating of microwave devices.Small values of the dielectric constant and a small dielectric loss characterize BeO ceramics as one of the best materials for caps and output windows powerful microwave radiation of radars.

Our advantages

Unique production

Unique production

KAZ CERAMICS LLP is the successor of Keramika plant, which was designed and built during the Soviet era. At the same time the plant has retained all the traditions, technology and quality of the Soviet period, as well as the achievements and developments of the Soviet engineering school. Today KAZ CERAMICS LLP due to technical re-equipment and modernization of main process equipment in many aspects has not only improved the quality of products but also managed to set up production of new types. The plant employs highly qualified personnel with appropriate education, training and experience in working with beryllium and its compounds.

Raw material supply

Raw material supply

KAZ CERAMICS LLP has a constant source of basic raw materials in the form of high-quality beryllium oxide powder.

Quality System

Quality System

As part of the organization's quality management system, product quality control is performed by qualified personnel of the technical control departme.